Classy Campfire Cookin'

Berries and Pound Cake Bake

One of the fun things about camping is taking something pre-made that you wouldn’t necessarily want to make out in the wild, adding some fresh ingredients and taking it to that next level. This Berry Pound Cake Bake is exactly that!

Berries and Pound Cake Bake

Berries and Pound Cake Bake

Berries and Pound Cake Bake

The base of this dessert is a pre-made pound cake. It’s very dense and holds up fairly well to the berry and fire onslaught you’re about to subject it to. Angel Food and other types of cake would fall apart pretty much immediately.  And while plain pound cake will work just fine, consider checking your grocer’s bakery for some flavoured pound cake loaves! The one I used was Raspberry and White Chocolate. Extra delicious!

Berries and Pound Cake Bake

Once you’ve got your pound cake base, top it with your choice of berries. Strawberries, raspberries and blueberries are always a great combo. Then add some type of chocolate because if there’s one thing that will make this even better it’s chocolate. Straight up chocolate chips work but chocolate bar bits add that little bit of extra flavour. This time I went with Skor pieces. Mostly because they’re delicious but also because I get to smash a Skor bar into teeny pieces, which is pretty fun. Just take your wrapped Skor bar and throw it AS HARD AS YOU CAN to the ground or other hard surface. It should start to break up. Repeat as necessary and break up any remaining big pieces with your hands. Sprinkle the bits over the cake and berries.

Berries and Pound Cake Bake

Finish up the skillet with some chunks of butter and some brown sugar and the throw it on the fire (Don’t actually throw it, place it gently on a grill over the fire).  While it cooks, try to keep the stirring to a minimum to maintain structural integrity.

Berries and Pound Cake Bake

As the butter and chocolate melts and the berries cook down the cake is going to absorb all that great juice and get really, really gooey. And that’s exactly what you’re going for! What this dish loses in photogenic-ness it more than makes up for in flavour.

Berries and Pound Cake Bake

Once everything is melted and warmed through to your liking divide it all up and top with whipped cream!




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Berries and Pound Cake Bake
By combining a few pre-made ingredients with fresh, this Berry and Pound Cake Bake brings dessert to the next level.
Berries and Pound Cake Bake
Course Dessert
Prep Time 5 min
Cook Time 20 min
Course Dessert
Prep Time 5 min
Cook Time 20 min
Berries and Pound Cake Bake
  1. Cut pound cake into 1 inch squares. Add to skillet.
  2. Remove stems and slice strawberries into bite sized pieces. Add to skillet along with the raspberries and blueberries.
  3. Take a wrapped Skor bar and throw it as hard as you can on the ground!! Or table or other hard surface. Repeat as necessary until Skor bar becomes Skor pieces. Break up any left over big pieces with your hands. Unwrap and sprinkle over berries and pound cake.
  4. Cut up butter into small chunks. Spread around berries and pound cake. Sprinkle brown sugar on top.
  5. Cook on a grill over the fire until skor bits melt, berries cook and it turns into an amazing gooey mess.
  6. Divide into 4 portions, top with whipped cream and serve.
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